The ELI Spanish Hub Held its VII Annual Meeting Members Meeting in Seville


On 20 May 2022, the ELI Spanish Hub held its VII Annual Meeting at the Loyola University Andalucía in Seville, Spain, under the direction of Prof Albert Ruda (Chair) and María Kubica (ELI Member).

The event was opened by Dr Albert Ruda González (Chair of the ELI Spanish Hub; Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Girona). The words of welcome were given by Dr Miguel Romero Velasco (Dean of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, University of Loyola), Mr Enrique Maside Páramo (Director of European Affairs, College of Registrars) and ELI’s Secretary General Dr Vanessa Wilcox, who discussed various ways in which the ELI Spanish Hub and its Members and friends can work closely with ELI in disseminating ELI output.

The event consisted of a presidential table with the participation of Prof Dr Pedro Cruz (former Constitutional Court judge), Dr Maciej Szpunar (ECJ Advocate General) and Mr J A Gil Celedonio (Director of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office).

The afternoon session consisted of twenty thematic tables with more than 100 papers presented on various subjects such as digital law, consumer law, criminal law, procedural law and others.

The event gathered 125 attendees and was supported by the Spanish Land Registry Association (Colegio de Registradores). The papers presented will be published by Sepin.

The agenda of the meeting is available here.