Council Decisions 2020
- CD 2020/1 on a Project (Model Rules on Online Platforms)
- CD 2020/2 on a Project (Protection of Adults in International Situations)
- CD 2020/3 on the Appointment of Assessors
- CD 2020/4 on the Revised Internal Guidelines for the Executive Committee and Secretariat
- CD 2020/5 on the Revised Guidelines for Hubs and SIGs
- CD 2020/6 on the Correction of Minor Editorial Errors in the ELI Project Guidelines
- CD 2020/7 on the Appointment of an Auditor
- CD 2020/8 on the Adoption of Feasibility Studies
- CD 2020/9 on the Adoption of ELI Principles for the COVID-19 Crisis
- CD 2020/10 on a Project (Common Constitutional Traditions in Europe)
- CD 2020/11 on a Mandate by the Executive Committee to Appoint a Project Co-Reporter for One of ELI’s Projects
- CD 2020/12 on a Project (Approval of the AI and Public Administration Feasibility Study to Proceed as an ELI Project)
- CD 2020/13 on Grant Applications Mandates Given to ELI’s Executive Committee
- CD 2020/14 on the Appointment of a Chair of the Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts Project
- CD 2020/15 on the Appointment of Assessors
- CD 2020/16 on a Project (Model European Rules of Civil Procedure)
- CD 2020/17 on a Mandate for the Executive Committee to Conduct a Pilot on Innovation Papers
- CD 2020/18 on the Approval of the Revised Project Guidelines
- CD 2020/19 on the Approval of the ELI 2019 Accounts
- CD 2020/20 on the Approval of the ELI 2021 budget forecast
- CD 2020/21 on a Project (Approval of the 'Fundamental Constitutional Principles' Feasibility Study to Proceed as an ELI Project)
- CD 2020/22 on a Project (Conditional Approval of the 'EU Conflict of Laws for Companies The Acquis and Beyond' Feasibility Study to Proceed as an ELI Project)
- CD 2020/23 on a Project (Approval of the 'Admissibility of E-Evidence in Criminal Proceedings in the EU' Feasibility Study to Proceed as an ELI Project)
- CD 2020/24 on a Project (Approval of the 'The Concept and the Role of Courts in Family and Succession Matters' Feasibility Study to Proceed as an ELI Project)
- CD 2020/25 on the Establishment of a Members Consultative Committee (MCC) for the ‘Admissibility of E-Evidence in Criminal Proceedings’ Project
- CD 2020/26 on the Establishment of a Members Consultative Committee (MCC) for the ‘The Concept and the Role of Courts in Family and Succession Matters’ Project
- CD 2020/27 on a Mandate for the Executive Committee to Establish Members Consultative Committees (MCCs) for ELI Projects