ELI Belgio-Luxembourg Hub Held its Seventh Sustainability Lunchtime Webinar


On Thursday, 7 July 2022, the seventh seminar of the Belgio-Luxembourg Hub’s Lunchtime Sustainability Seminar series entitled ‘Planned Obsolescence’ took place.

The presentation was delivered by Denis Philippe (Attorney at Law; Professor, Catholic University of Louvain; Visiting Professor, University of Paris X) and Anaïs Michel (PhD Candidate, KU Leuven). They discussed planned obsolescence as a policy of planning or designing a product with an artificially limited useful life or a purposely frail design, so that it becomes obsolete after a certain pre-determined period of time upon which it decreases its functions or suddenly ceases to function, or might be perceived as unfashionable. Namely, they focused on remedies provided by EU law and at national level.

The agenda can be accessed here.