ELI Spanish Hub Organised its First Conference on Digital Law


The I Jornadas de Derecho digital Conference was held online on 6 and 13 October 2023.

This event, which was organised by both Spanish Hub Chairs, revolved around the so-called ‘new technologies in the law’ (Las nuevas tecnologías en el Derecho) of the University of Girona. There were a total of 27 keynote speakers and 18 papers from other participants. The event was sponsored by the ELI Spanish Hub, the Land Registry Association (Decanato Autonómico de los Registradores de la Propiedad), the Centre d'Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada (CEJFE), Deloitte Legal and Cremades-Calvo Sotelo. The papers will be published in book form with Tirant lo Blanch, a Spanish publisher.

The full videos of both sessions can be found online:

First day (6 Oct):

Second day (13 Oct):

The programme and further information on the conference can be found here.