Current Individual Members of the ELI - G
Surname | First Name | Country of Residence | Membership Type |
Gabriel | Henry | United States of America | Fellow |
Gabriele | Alessia | Italy | Fellow |
Gaffney | John | United Arab Emirates | Fellow |
Gagliardi | Lorenzo | Italy | Fellow |
Gajda-Roszczynialska | Katarzyna | Poland | Fellow |
Galetta | Diana Urania | Italy | Fellow |
Gamarra | Paula | Paraguay | Individual Observer |
Gambaro | Antonio | Italy | Fellow |
Gammeljord | Anne Birgitte de Jonquieres | Denmark | Fellow |
Garcia | Clemence | Japan | Fellow |
García Garnica | María del Carmen | Spain | Fellow |
Garcia Long | Sergio | United Kingdom | Fellow |
García Mandaloniz | Marta | Spain | Fellow |
Garcia Rubio | Maria Paz | Spain | Fellow |
García-Micó | Tomás Gabriel | Spain | Fellow |
Garciandía | Rosana | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Garcia-Ripoll | Martin | Spain | Fellow |
Garcia-Teruel | Rosa M. | Spain | Fellow |
Gardella Tedeschi | Bianca | Italy | Fellow |
Gardos | Peter | Hungary | Fellow |
Garofalo | Andrea Maria | Italy | Fellow |
Gascon Inchausti | Fernando | Spain | Fellow |
Gavrila | Denis-Roxana | Romania | Fellow |
Geelhoed | Willem | Netherlands | Fellow |
Geiregat | Simon | Belgium | Fellow |
Gellert | Raphael | Netherlands | Fellow |
Georgieva | Hristina | Bulgaria | Fellow |
Gerard | Damien | Belgium | Fellow |
Getman-Pavlova | Irina | Russia | Fellow |
Ghio | Antonio | Malta | Fellow |
Ghiringhelli | Paolo | Italy | Fellow |
Giacalone | Marco | Italy | Fellow |
Giacalone | Giovanni | Italy | Fellow |
Giacomuzzi | Johannes | Austria | Individual Observer |
Giannakoula | Athina | Greece | Fellow |
Giannini | Rita | Belgium | Fellow |
Giardini | Giuditta | Italy | Individual Observer |
Gielen | Patrick | Belgium | Fellow |
Giesen | Ivo | Netherlands | Fellow |
Gil-Bazo | Maria-Teresa | Spain | Fellow |
Gilligan | Paul | Ireland | Fellow |
Gilligan | Frederick | Ireland | Individual Observer |
Gimeno Ribes | Miguel | Spain | Fellow |
Ginés Castellet | Núria | Spain | Fellow |
Ginestri | Maddalena | Italy | Fellow |
Gioia | Gina | Italy | Fellow |
Girolami | Matilde | Italy | Fellow |
Giubboni | Stefano | Italy | Fellow |
Glicz | Marcin | Poland | Fellow |
Goisis | Francesco | Italy | Fellow |
Golia | Angelo Jr | Germany | Fellow |
Golota | Natalia | Ukraine | Fellow |
Gombos | Katalin | Hungary | Fellow |
Gomes | Ana Sofia | Portugal | Fellow |
Gomez | Fernando | Spain | Fellow |
Gómez Adeva | Ana | Spain | Fellow |
Gómez Ligüerre | Carlos | Spain | Fellow |
Goncharenko | Vladyslava | Austria | Individual Observer |
Gonul Kosar | Gunhan | Turkey | Fellow |
González Beilfuss | Cristina | Spain | Fellow |
González Hernández | Rut | Spain | Fellow |
González Pons | Elisabet | Spain | Fellow |
Goossens | Elise | Belgium | Fellow |
Gori | Pierpaolo | Italy | Fellow |
Gorini | Andrea | Italy | Fellow |
Gormley | Laurence | Netherlands | Fellow |
Gössl | Susanne Lilian | Germany | Fellow |
Göztepe | Ece | Turkey | Fellow |
Gradi | Marco | Italy | Fellow |
Graf Westphalen | Friedrich | Germany | Fellow |
Gramano | Elena | Italy | Fellow |
Granieri | Massimiliano | Italy | Fellow |
Grasso | Benedetta | Italy | Fellow |
Grasso | Gianluca | Italy | Fellow |
Graziadei | Michele | Italy | Fellow |
Greggi | Marco | Italy | Fellow |
Griss | Irmgard | Austria | Fellow |
Grochowski | Mateusz | Poland | Fellow |
Gruber | Florian | Austria | Fellow |
Gruenanger | Manfred | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Grumulaitis | Arturas | Lithuania | Individual Observer |
Grünberger | Michael | Germany | Fellow |
Grzegorczyk | Paweł | Poland | Fellow |
Güçlütürk | Osman Gazi | Turkey | Fellow |
Guedon | Pablo | France | Fellow |
Guercio | Laura | Italy | Fellow |
Guild | Elspeth | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Guimarães | Maria Raquel | Portugal | Fellow |
Guimarães | Patrícia | Brasil | Fellow |
Gullifer | Louise | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Güneş | Biset Sena | Germany | Fellow |
Gutfleisch | Georg | Austria | Fellow |
Gutman | Kathleen | Luxembourg | Fellow |