Current Individual Members of the ELI - H

Surname First Name Country of Residence Membership Type
Hačić Zoran Croatia Fellow
Häcker Birke Germany Fellow
Haentjens Matthias Netherlands Fellow
Hampton Christine Austria Fellow
Harbinja Edina United Kingdom Fellow
Harder Sirko United Kingdom Fellow
Harris Rodger Peter United Kingdom Fellow
Harsagi Viktoria Hungary Fellow
Hartkamp Arthur Netherlands Fellow
Hartman Yuliia Ukraine Fellow
Hartvig Hans Peter Belgium Fellow
Harvey Mark United Kingdom Fellow
Haslam Colin United Kingdom Fellow
Hau Wolfgang Germany Fellow
Häusermann Daniel M. Switzerland Fellow
Havan Muhammet Emirhan Switzerland Fellow
Hayden Helene Austria Fellow
Heber Caroline Austria Fellow
Heckendorn Urscheler Lukas Switzerland Fellow
Hegarty Diarmuid Ireland Fellow
Heiderhoff Bettina Germany Fellow
Heijning Sabine Netherlands Individual Observer
Heindler Florian Austria Fellow
Heinze Christian Germany Fellow
Heinzmann Michel Switzerland Fellow
Heirbaut Dirk Belgium Fellow
Heiss Helmut Switzerland Fellow
Helfer Margareth Austria Fellow
Hellgardt Alexander Germany Fellow
Hellwege Phillip Germany Fellow
Henke Albert Italy Fellow
Hennemann Moritz Germany Fellow
Hernandez Marta Spain Fellow
Hernández Arteaga Gustavo Manuel Spain Fellow
Herrera Anchustegui Ignacio Norway Fellow
Herrero Morant Rebeca Spain Fellow
Herresthal Carsten Germany Fellow
Herrler Sebastian Germany Fellow
Hertel Christian Germany Fellow
Hertzell David United Kingdom Individual Observer
Hess Burkhard Austria Fellow
Hesselink Martijn Willem Italy Fellow
Heusel Wolfgang Germany Fellow
Heutger Viola Netherlands Fellow
Heydt Volker Belgium Fellow
Hick Tom Germany Fellow
Hielkema Jelte Netherlands Fellow
Hilgendorf Eric Andreas Germany Fellow
Hilty Reto Germany Fellow
Ho-Dac Marion France Fellow
Hoffmann Patrick Germany Fellow
Hoffmann Jan Germany Fellow
Hofmann Herwig Luxembourg Fellow
Holovko-Havrysheva Oksana Ukraine Fellow
Hondius Ewoud Netherlands Fellow
Hoops Bjoern Netherlands Fellow
Horak Hana Croatia Fellow
Hörnell Emilia Sweden Fellow
Hott Luis Germany Fellow
Houllier Sarah France Fellow
Howells Geraint Ireland Fellow
Hradek Jiri Czech Republic Fellow
Hrushko Malvina Ukraine Fellow
Huang Meiling Italy Fellow
Hulmák Milan Czech Republic Fellow
Hundahl Hansen Marianne Denmark Fellow
Hunn Peter United States of America Fellow
Hurdik Jan Czech Republic Fellow
Hustus Ludmila Germany Fellow
Hüttemann Suzan Denise Germany Fellow