Current Individual Members of the ELI - I
Surname | First Name | Country of Residence | Membership Type |
Iacumin | Luca | Belgium | Individual Observer |
Iamiceli | Paola | Italy | Fellow |
Iannuzzi | Antonia Patrizia | Italy | Fellow |
Ibriyamov | Metin | Bulgaria | Individual Observer |
Iglesias | Alfonso | Spain | Fellow |
Iglesias Sánchez | Sara | Spain | Fellow |
Illamola-Dausà | Mariona | Spain | Fellow |
Illescas | Rafael | Spain | Fellow |
Imbruglia | Daniele | Italy | Fellow |
Infantino | Marta | Italy | Fellow |
Inma | Sanchez Ruiz de Valdivia | Spain | Fellow |
Ionel | Bostan | Romania | Fellow |
Ioriatti | Elena | Italy | Fellow |
Irti | Claudia | Italy | Fellow |
Isintan | Pelin | Turkey | Fellow |
Iudica | Giovanni | Italy | Fellow |
Ivanova | Viktoriia | Ukraine | Fellow |
Izarova | Iryna | Ukraine | Fellow |
Izquierdo Grau | Guillem | Spain | Individual Observer |