ALI-ELI Biometrics Expert Workshop Meeting


On 30 April 2024, ELI and ALI organised an informal online expert workshop on principles governing the collection and use of biometrics.

Following the successful completion of the ALI-ELI Principles for a Data Economy: Data Transactions and Data Rights, representatives of the American Law Institute (ALI) and ELI met to explore topics for potential future joint projects. They settled on biometrics.

The event of 30 April brought together a diverse group of high-level experts from academia and the public and private sectors in both the United States of American and Europe.

Throughout the workshop, experts shared their views on the most important issues relating to the use and collection of biometric data. Reflections on definitions, ethical and state of the law issues on both sides of the Atlantic, as well as the possible scoping of such a complex topic were shared.

The ELI President, Pascal Pichonnaz, and ELI Scientific Director, Christiane Wendehorst, also participated, as well as ALI representative, Steve O Weise.

The input will be reflected in a revised proposal to be approved by ELI and ALI bodies.