The first day of the meeting started with elections of the next ELI President, Vice-Presidents, and Treasurer, with Pascal Pichonnaz being elected as the next ELI President, Lord John Thomas as the First Vice-President, Anne Birgitte Gammeljord as the Second Vice-President and Pietro Sirena as the Treasurer. They will start their term in September, but in order to ensure smooth take over, the elections of nominate members take place in advance. More information about the elections is available here. The rest of the day was devoted to discussing the developments in on-going ELI projects.
The second day provided a room for discussions on future ELI projects. Members of the Council assessed four Feasibility Studies: ‘EU Conflict Law for Companies: The Acquis and Beyond’, ‘ELI-Mount Scopus European Standards of Judicial Independence’, ‘Ecocide’, and ‘Corporate Sustainability, Financial Accounting and Share Capital’. More details about the projects that have been adopted will be shared shortly.
The meeting of the Council was preceded by the meeting of the Executive Committee, which also took place remotely, on 10 February.