ELI Italian Hub Supported the BlockchainEdu Conference on ‘Digital Transformation’


On 13 April 2021, the Council of the Rome Bar Association and ELI’s Institutional Member Blockchain Education Network Italia organized the conference under the patronage of the ELI Italian Hub.

The aim of the event was to discuss two issues arising from new transfers of sovereignty, namely decentralisation and disintermediation. Participants came to the conclusion that new market powers deriving from the so-called digital capitalism (referred to as new Leviathans), which rely on technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, tend to invade the typical manifestations of public power in a number of fields, including judicial, monetary, taxation, digital identity, finance and consumer protection fields.

The conference also focused on the need for enhanced coordination in public policies in the digital field. It was concluded that regulated entities should be made aware that the protection of their primary rights, which only State prerogatives can guarantee, should be considered as indispensable.

Please follow this link to watch the webinar on YouTube.