ELI-Mount Scopus European Standards of Judicial Independence Project Team Met with Advisory Committee


Reporters and members of the Project Team and the Advisory Committee met on 22 September 2021 to discuss their work plan.

The Reporters outlined the feedback they received on the first draft set of provisions on disciplinary proceedings circulated in July 2021, and on their presentation of the project during the ELI Annual Conference on 8 September 2021. The Reporters are now aiming to address the queries and points that the speakers at that Conference, who gave excellent presentations, made. The overall feedback included specific suggestions on the terminology used, some queries on substantive choices made with respect to certain provisions, and further references and discussions on the case law of the European Court og Human Rights (ECtHR) and the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU). The overlap with other topics was also emphasised, such as the need for a clear demarcation between disciplinary proceedings and promotion, and the existing links between ethical codes of judicial conduct and rules defining conduct that constitutes disciplinary offences. 

A revised and fuller set of Standards on the disciplinary regime applicable to judges will be circulated by early November 2021 to the Project Team and Advisory Committee members for their views, and further feedback and input on the full draft will also be sought from experts and stakeholders beyond the remit of the ELI. Emphasis was put on the need to get input from a wide group of stakeholders.