ELI President at International Scientific Online Conference of the Kopaonik School of Natural Law


ELI President, Christiane Wendehorst, gave welcome remarks at an online conference on ‘Unification of Law and Legal Certainty’ organised by the Kopaonik School of Natural Law.

The Kopaonik School of Natural Law organised an innovative event covering a variety of topics ranging from ‘The Right to Justice’ over ‘The Right to Property’ to ‘The Right to Freedom’. President Wendehorst congratulated the organisers for such an event and pointed out that ELI, just like the Kopaonik School of Natural Law, strives to offer a diverse view of legal issues by covering various topics and including legal experts from different fields and countries.

The President then continued to introduce ELI and showcase its members and projects. As the Kopaonik School of Natural Law is situated in Serbia, she focused on members from Balkan countries and, in particular, members from Serbia. Currently, ELI has over 100 individual members from the Balkan, including Serbia, as well as important institutional members. On a final note, the President emphasised that ELI would be eager to welcome more members from Balkan countries in order to strengthen its cooperation with legal experts from this region.

The programme of the conference can be accessed here.