In a meeting which took place remotely, on Monday, 11 October 2021, between ELI President, Prof Dr Pascal Pichonnaz, ELI’s Scientific Director, Prof Dr Christiane Wendehorst, ELI Secretary General, Dr Vanessa Wilcox, and Dean of the Law Faculty of the University of Vienna, Prof Dr Zoechling-Jud, President Pichonnaz underlined the excellent relations that exists between the Faculty of Law and the ELI and thanked Dean Zoechling-Jud for this, as well as for her speech which opened ELI’s Annual Conference in September 2021.
President Pichonnaz emphasised that the University of Vienna has provided the ELI Secretariat with a stable base under three successive Framework Cooperation Agreements beginning in 2011 and that ELI valued such steady support. The highly productive talks centered on the best avenues to forge even closer ties, with those present agreeing to reflect on these further.