ELI President Spotlights Opportunities for ELSA Members


On 7 November 2023, ELI’s President spoke at the Austrian European Law Student’s Association’s (ELSA) 72nd General Assembly remotely.

ELSA International, an ELI Member, is the world's largest politically independent non-profit organisation, empowering students and young lawyers to pursue academic and personal development alongside their law or business law studies.

President Pichonnaz, who participated in ELSA Austrian's 72nd General Assembly, held in Salzburg, Austria, informed the audience of aspiring young legal professionals about ELI and its Young Lawyers Award.

In its 8th year, the YLA offers the winner of a paper that propose practical suggestions for the improvement of European law a number of prizes including the chance to present their paper at the ELI Annual Conference, a cash prize, and an internship. Comprehensive details about eligibility and prizes can be accessed here.