High Level Expert Group Meetings on Seizing Assets for Human Rights Violations


On 18 April and 16 May 2024, ELI organised High Level Expert Group (HLEG) meetings on Seizing Assets for Human Rights Violations.

Both meetings were chaired by ELI Vice-President Sir Geoffrey Vos.

Representatives of various organisations and leading experts were convened for the purpose of exploring this topic, with a view to scoping the confines of a prospective ELI project in the field.

At the first meeting, participants presented and discussed the topics they submitted in advance of that gathering. The second meeting constituted an opportunity to discuss proposals in more depth and to prepare a recommendation for ELI bodies. 

Lorena Bachmaier Winter (Professor, Complutense University of Madrid, ELI Council Member), Charlotte Beaucillon (Professor, Université de Lille), Anna Bradshaw (Partner, Peters & Peters (London, UK)), Illia Chernohorenko (DPhil, University of Oxford), Anže Erbežnik (European Parliament), Sir Malcolm Evans (Principle, Regent’s Park College, Oxford), Veijo Heiskanen (Independent Arbitrator, associated with Arbitra International, London), Burkhard Hess (Professor, University of Vienna), Crystal Hung (Legal Adviser to the Master of the Rolls), Iryna Izarova (Professor, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv), Roman Maydanyk (Professor, Queen Mary University of London), Jeremy McBride (Barrister, Monckton Chambers), Anton Moiseienko (Lecturer in Law at the Australian National University), Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer (University of Basel, Co-Director of the Swiss Institute for Comparative Law), Tetyana Nesterchuk (Barrister), Pascal Pichonnaz (ELI President, Professor, University of Fribourg), Sviatoslav Ruban (Coordinator of Information and Advocacy Campaigns, Ukrainian Centre for Civil Liberties), Maria Teresa Touriñán Morandeira (Land registrar), Sir Geoffrey Vos (Master of the Rolls and Head of Civil Justice in England and Wales, ELI Second Vice-President), Philippa Webb (Professor, KCL) and Christiane Wendehorst (Professor, University of Vienna, ELI Scientific Director) participated in the meetings.

Participants were joined Tomasz Dudek (ELI Senior Project Officer).

ELI would like to express its gratitude to the above experts for their valuable contributions, which will be further consolidated and considered by ELI bodies.