Lecture at the ELI Secretariat


On 19 February 2019, the European Law Institute’s Secretary General welcomed 25 law students from Austria, Israel, Russia and the United States.

ELI Secretary General Vanessa Wilcox gave a speech on ‘European Legal Pluralism and the European Law Institute’ as part of a Joint Historical Jewish Law Moot Court and Ius Commune Moot Court.  After discussing a number of approaches one can take to defining the notion of ‘legal pluralism’, Wilcox emphasised that various organisations within Europe have different competences, which may lead to a patchwork of legal standards. This situation calls for the legal community to react, and ELI provides such a platform. Established only seven years ago, the Institute is already a well-recognised partner of leading organisations in the field of European legal development. Wilcox continued by discussing the goals and principles of the Institute, its structure and ever-growing membership, as well as its various activities, including projects. She referred to the case on inheritance which students had to discuss in their Court and pointed that that case exemplifies the legal problems ELI tries to solve through its prospective project on Access to Digital Assets. The project recognises the increasing amassment of ‘digital’ assets and seeks to close a gaping lacuna in the law by elaborating upon rules that govern access to such in the event of death or incapacity. She concluded by referring to incentives offered by the ELI to young lawyers. The presentation sparked much debate and interest among the students.