Preventing and Resolving Conflicts of Jurisdiction in EU Criminal Law Conference in Luxembourg (Luxembourg)


This Conference took place on 31 May and was co-organised by the ELI and the University of Luxembourg. During this event, the Project Reporters presented the outcome of the ELI Project on the Prevention and Settlement of Conflicts of Exercise of Jurisdiction in Criminal Law.

The ELI's Instrument on Criminal Law was the first of several Instruments to be approved in 2017. The current Conference thus marked an occasion for the output to be disseminated and discussed.

Participants were welcomed by ELI President Christiane Wendehorst, who chaired the first session of the day – a presentation of the ELI Instrument on Criminal Law by the Project Reporters Katalin Ligeti, John Vervaele and André Klip. This session was followed by a roundtable, which was devoted to views from policy, practice and civil procedure and a panel on the 'Area of Freedom, Security and Justice'.

In the afternoon, the Conference continued with two panels on parallel enforcement regimes and challenges on the horizon. More information on this Conference will be published in our upcoming May-June issue of the ELI newsletter.