Strengthening Ties with the Austrian Chamber for Civil Notaries


On 5 December 2019, ELI’s President and Secretary General met representatives of Austrian Chamber for Civil Notaries.

To discuss the further dissemination of the results of two ELI outputs, namely the completed project on Empowering European Families and the project on the Protection of Adults in International Situations, a meeting was held on 5 December at the ELI Secretariat with the representatives of the Austrian Chamber for Civil Notaries. As the problems tackled by the above projects are of high practical importance for EU citizens, ELI will team with its member, the Austrian Chamber for Civil Notaries in providing a platform to discuss cross-border implications of issues relevant in family law and with respect to vulnerable of adults who, due to an impairment or insufficiency of their personal faculties, could benefit from such protection. ELI President Christiane Wendehorst, ELI Secretary General Vanessa Wilcox, as well as Project Officers Katja Kolman and Tomasz Dudek met with the representatives of the Austrian Camber for Civil Notaries, Stephan Matyk-d’Anjony, Mateja Tapia, Katharina Leithner and to discuss the organisation of a workshop and a conference concerning both projects. More information will be provided in due course.