

On 5 December 2019, ELI’s President and Secretary General met representatives of Austrian Chamber for Civil Notaries.


Team members of the ELI project on Business and Human Rights: Access to Justice and Effective Remedies (conducted with input from the EU Agency for...


On 28 November 2019 ELI’s Secretary General welcomed 20 students from Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna to the ELI Secretariat


On 28–29 November, a seminar took place at Bocconi University in Milan. Several members of ELI’s Common Constitutional Traditions project spoke...


ELI President and Project Reporter Christiane Wendehorst presented the Principles for a Data Economy at UNCITRAL on November 28, 2019


On 22 November 2019, the core Team met for a third time this year at ELI’s premises in Vienna to discuss developments and how to proceed following the...