

The ALI-ELI Principles for a Data Economy assist in solving legal problems on the ground, thus complementing OECD Principles and helping SMEs. This...


The third day of this year’s Online Annual Conference saw over 30 experts discuss current and prospective ELI projects and respond to live questions...


ELI was delighted to welcome European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders to its 2020 Annual Conference, where he gave a keynote speech during...


The Austrian Minister for Justice Alma Zadić welcomed attendees to the ELI Online Annual Conference 2020, speaking at the Opening Ceremony for the...


On 9 September 2020 ELI President Christiane Wendehorst welcomed attendees to the ELI Annual Conference, held online this year.


On 8 September the Second Ole Lando Memorial Lecture took place as part of the 2020 ELI Annual Conference. This year's speaker was Professor Christian...