

Do not miss this unique opportunity to engage in discussions on the most topical legal issues in Europe and beyond – register for the 2019 Annual...


ELI President, Christiane Wendehorst, also a Reporter of the ALI-ELI Principles for a Data Economy project, attends the 52nd United Nations Commission...


On 27 and 28 June 2019, the ELI Project Team on Draft Model Rules on Online Intermediary Platforms met with members of its Advisory and Members...


ELI Secretary General, Vanessa Wilcox, met outgoing ELSA International President Filipe Machado on Monday, 17 June 2019.


The ELI's esteemed Institutional observer, EFTA Surveillance Authority celebrated 25 Years of the EEA Agreement at a Conference in Brussels on Friday,...


ELI President Christiane Wendehorst co-organised a Conference at Palais Trautson with the Austrian Ministry of Justice and the University of Vienna.