

The ELI Belgio-Luxembourg Hub was successfully launched on 27 May 2019 in Brussels under the initiative of Robert Bray, Grégory Minne, Denis Philippe,...


On 27 May 2019 the sub-group on Personal Data and Blockchain of the ELI project on Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts met in Lille (France).


The ELI Italian Hub co-organised a Conference on addressing tax avoidance beyond base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) at the University of Ferrara,...


The team of the ELI Common Constitutional Traditions in Europe project met on 21 May in Aix-en-Provence (France) to discuss developments in the...


The ELI is pleased to announce that the final Instrument of its project on Empowering European Families Towards More Party Autonomy in European Family...


ELI President Christiane Wendehorst and Vice-President Sjef van Erp participated in a Colloquium entitled ‘Data as Counter-Performance – Contract Law...