

This year’s ELI Annual Conference and Meetings will take place in Budapest (Hungary) from 9–11 September 2020. The institutions involved in the...


On 17 January 2020 the first parts of the 'ALI-ELI Principles for a Data Economy' project were approved by the ALI Council after their presentation by...


ELI, its member Schoenherr, Bernard Energy and Philippe & Partners engaged in a stimulating debate on ‘Energy Communities 2020+ Legal, Regulatory and...


The Spanish Hub invites all interested authors to submit their papers for the Hub’s 5th Annual Meeting on European Jurisprudence, which will take...


On 7 January 2020, ELI’s President Christiane Wendehorst and Secretary General Vanessa Wilcox met Head of Unit for EU and Fundamental Issues at the...


We are proud to announce that ELI was awarded an EU Operating Grant for 2020 under a four-year Framework Partnership Agreement from 2018–2021.