

On 8 October Ambassador Rudolf Lennkh, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Vienna, visited ELI Secretariat at the proposal of former Council of...


On 4 October 2019, ELI President Wendehorst held a Seminar with the Slovenian Bar Association and the Chamber of Notaries of Slovenia. The event took...


On 30 September 2019 ELI President Wendehorst presented the outcomes of the ELI Empowering European Families (EEF) project at the Ministry of Justice...


On 26 September a Jiangxi's delegation, including Le Shibiao General Director of the Political Department and Huang Aihe Director of the Judicial...


ELI President Christiane Wendehorst presented selected findings of the 'Principles for a Data Economy' project, which also inspired the work of the...


On 21 September, ELI President Christiane Wendehorst was a member of the opening panel of the '2nd International Forum on Computational Law' at...