

After her meeting with President Jaeger, European Law Institute (ELI) President Wendehorst was welcomed to the European Court of Auditors (ECA) by its...


On 30 May 2018, ELI President Christiane Wendehorst met with the President of the General Court, Marc Jaeger, at the premises of the Court of Justice...


This Year's ELI Annual Conference and General Assembly 2018 will take place from 5–7 September 2018 in Riga (Latvia)


The ELI-UNIDROIT Structure working group met on 23 May in Paris. The meeting was kindly hosted by Professor Loïc Cadiet at the École de droit de la...


The Project Team of the ALI-ELI joint Instrument on the Principles for a Data Economy has met on 19–20 May to discuss the current work of the Project,...


On 17 May 2018, the ELI Secretary General Dr Vanessa Wilcox as well as Project Officers Ala Šabanovič and Tomasz Dudek gave a lecture on the EU and...