

The ELI is delighted to announce that its Statement on The Principled Relationship of Formal and Informal Justice through the Courts and Alternative...


On 7 February 2018, Christiane Wendehorst (ELI President), Sjef van Erp (ELI Vice-President) and Raffaele Sabato (Member of the Executive Committee)...


On 7 February, ELI Secretary General Vanessa Wilcox, welcomed Philip Buisseret, Secretary General of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe...


On 23 January 2018, members of the ELI Secretariat gave a lecture on the EU and the ELI to students of the Institute for Legal and Constitutional...


On 18 January 2018, the Insurance Law in a Changing EU conference took place at the Austrian Ministry of Constitution, Reform, Deregulation and...


On 18 January, ELI Secretary General Vanessa Wilcox and Project Officer Ala Šabanovič met representatives of the International Centre for Migration...