

ELI Project Reporter Judge Boštjan Zalar took part in a roundtable entitled Check-Lists and Other Instruments for a More Effective Judicial Practice...


On 22 September, two of five Online Platforms Project Reporters, Hans Schulte-Nölke and Christoph Busch, presented the Project at a Conference of the...


Members of the Working Group on Obligations of Parties, Lawyers & Judges came together for the eighth time to work on the draft rules on obligations....


The ELI is proud to announce that the output of its flagship ‘Rescue of Business in Insolvency Law’ Project was voted upon by the ELI Council and ELI...


On 7 September 2017, former Vice-President of the ELI, Christiane Wendehorst, was elected as President. Sjef van Erp was nominated Vice-President.


The elections for 30 seats of the ELI Council took place between 6–7 September 2017 at the ELI’s Annual Conference and General Assembly.