

On 5 December, the Third Party Funding of Litigation team met its Advisory Committee online to solicit feedback on the latest draft.


On 5 December 2023, ALI and ELI held the first webinar of their joint series. The event , entitled ALI-ELI Principles for a Data Economy: A New...


ELI Council member and member of the project Team, Anna Skrjabina, presented the project on 5 December 2023.


The ELI President’s speech, which was delivered on 1 December 2023 at the Institute’s premises in Osnabrück, explored the impact of digital contract...


His speech was delivered in the context of the European Law Student’s Association’s (ELSA) National Council Meeting (NCM) on 26 November 2023 in...


The ELI project on Advance Choices for Future Disablement was presented by Co-Reporter Adrian Ward at a Family Law in Europe: Academic Network’s...