

On 19 May 2023, the Legal Tech Venture Day was held in the Aula Magna of the Luigi Einaudi Campus of the University of Turin. It was organised by the...


On 18 May 2023, the ELI Environmental Law SIG held an online seminar on Climate Change Litigation.


On 17 May 2023, Members of the ELI French Hub held an online meeting under the chairmanship Sylvaine Peruzzetto and Marc Clément.


On 16 May 2023, the ELI Turkish Hub held its first webinar in a series of webinars organised to introduce ELI projects to Turkish lawyers and discuss...


On 16 May 2023, ELI Croatian Hub convened for its Annual Members Meeting. On the occasion, the Co-Chairs of the Hub presented their Membership report....


On 16 May 2023, the ELI Croatian Hub held its 25th webinar in a series of webinars organised to contribute to discussions on current ELI projects and...