

On 13 December 2022, the ELI Croatian Hub held the 20th webinar in a series of webinars organised to contribute to the discussion on current ELI...


On 12 December 2022, the ELI Austrian Hub held a workshop entitled ‘Need for Change in Antitrust Damages Law?, as part of the ‘Monday Seminar Series’....


On 9 December 2022, ELI submitted Feedback on the European Commission’s Proposal for a Revised Product Liability Directive.


On 9 December 2022, the ELI President, Prof Dr Pascal Pichonnaz, delivered a congratulatory speech to participants of the 70th Council Meeting of ELSA...


On Thursday, 8 December 2022, the ELI Ukrainian Hub held a webinar on ‘Propaganda in Russian-Ukrainian Wartime: Criminal Justice Response’. The...


On 8 December 2022, Prof Dr Henrik Andersen, Co-Reporter of the ELI Project on Climate Justice – New Challenges for Law and Judges, presented the...