

On Monday, 25 July 2022, ELI’s Secretary General, Dr Vanessa Wilcox, was introduced to incoming President of ELSA International, Yuri van Steenwijk,...


The Project Team and Assessors of the ELI project on Guiding Principles and Model Rules on Algorithmic Contracts met remotely on 19 July 2022.


At its meeting of 5 July 2022, the ELI Council adopted two projects: Third Party Funding of Litigation and Guiding Principles on Implementing Workers’...


The ELI Model Rules on Impact Assessment of Algorithmic Decision-Making Systems Used by Public Administration were recently translated into Polish...


ELI President, Pascal Pichonnaz, gave several lectures, while ELI Vice-President Lord Thomas gave an opening speech. The Summer School was organised...


In a bid to intensify relations between ELI and UNCITRAL, ELI’s President, Prof Dr Pascal Pichonnaz, ELI’s Scientific Director, Prof Dr Christiane...