

On 8 July 2022, Reporters of the above project, Henrik Andersen and Alberto De Franceschi, met the Project Team and Advisory Committee in Ferrara,...


On 8 July 2022, Judge Marc Clément, Co-Reporter of the ELI project on AI and Public Administration, held a presentation of the ELI Model Rules on...


On Thursday, 7 July 2022, the seventh seminar of the Belgio-Luxembourg Hub’s Lunchtime Sustainability Seminar series entitled ‘Planned Obsolescence’...


On Thursday, 7 July 2022 ELI President, Prof Dr Pascal Pichonnaz, met President Kim Kye-Hong of the KLRI remotely.


On 5 July 2022, the ELI Croatian Hub held its 17th webinar in a series of webinars organised to contribute to discussions on current ELI projects and...


On 23 June and 5 July 2022, ELI organised High Level Expert Group (HLEG) meetings on the Use of Biometric Techniques. Leading experts from academia as...