

On 13 October 2021, the ELI Austrian Hub and the University of Innsbruck organised another hybrid evening lecture on ‘The Ultra Vires Doctrine of the...


In a meeting that took place on Tuesday, 12 October 2021, the pair explored further possible avenues of cooperation.


In the first in a series of planned talks with key representatives of the University of Vienna, the President of the ELI discussed diverse avenues...


On 8 October 2021, the ELI German Hub, supported by the ‘Section on International Commercial Law’ of the German Bar Association (DAV), held a webinar...


On 8 October 2021, the ELI Croatian Hub held its seventh webinar in a series of webinars organised to contribute to discussions on current ELI...


The Project Team of the ELI project on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Public Administration – Developing Impact Assessments and Public Participation...