Access to Digital Assets Project Team Advancing Their Work Remotely


The Access to Digital Assets Project Team met remotely on 15 April 2020 to discuss the project's status and draft Chapters III and IV of the project's output.

The Project Team provided feedback on the two draft chapters dealing with categories of digital assets and categories of persons having access rights, which were prepared by smaller Working Groups ahead of the meeting. In connection to this, discussions also focused on the purpose, scope and definitions used in the project.

The Project Team decided to further divide their work and expand the existing Working Groups, which will continue working on their chapters based on the outcome of discussions.

Two European Commission Observers, Maria Vilar Badia and Veronica Williams, as well as the project’s Assessors, Christiane Wendehorst and Aneta Wiewiorowska Domagalska, joined the meeting. ELI is pleased to report positive feedback on the part of a Commission representative.

The next remote meeting will take place in May.