The Conference is designed as a platform for shaping the future of civil unions (partnerships) in Poland. It aims to delve into the legal and political aspects of civil unions, considering the issue of monogamous unions on the grounds of Polish and international law and political science. It will be an ideal opportunity to discuss the formation of this institution against the background of Article 18 of the Polish Constitution, the standards of recognition and protection of civil unions developed in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, and the actions and positions presented by politicians and political parties in Poland.
Speakers include Dr Marcin Górski (University of Łódź), Prof Anna Młynarska-Sobaczewska (PAN – the Polish Academy of Science), Dr Mateusz Wąsik, Dr Anna Śledzińska-Simon, Prof UWr (University of Wrocław), Prof Agnieszka Kasińska-Metryka (UJK – University of Jan Kochanowski and Dr Aleksandra Szczerba, Prof AJP – The Jacob of Paradies University, Gorzów Wielkopolski), Prof Agnieszka Bień-Kacała, University of Szczecin.