Council Decisions 2021
- CD 2021/1 on the Approval of the ELI Innovation Paper on ‘Guiding Principles for Updating the Product Liability Directive for the Digital Age’
- CD 2021/2 on the Appointment of an Auditor
- CD 2021/3 on the Temporary Adjustments to the Internal Guidelines for the Executive Committee and Secretariat
CD 2021/4 on the Approval of the ELI 2021 Revised Budget Forecast
- CD 2021/5 on a Project (Change of Title of the Common Constitutional Traditions in Europe Project)
- CD 2021/6 on the Appointment of Assessors
- CD 2021/7 on a Project (Approval of the 'EU Conflict of Laws for Companies The Acquis and Beyond' Feasibility Study to Proceed as an ELI Project)
- CD 2021/8 on a Project (Approval of the 'ELI-Mount Scopus European Standards of Judicial Independence' Feasibility Study to Proceed as an ELI Project)
- CD 2021/9 on a Project (Approval of the 'Ecocide' Feasibility Study to Proceed as an ELI Project)
- CD 2021/10 on a Project (Approval of the 'Corporate Sustainability, Financial Accounting and Share Capital' Feasibility Study to Proceed as an ELI Project)
- CD 2021/11 on the Membership Fee Reduction
- CD 2021/12 on a Temporary Amendment to the ELI Election Byelaw
- CD 2021/13 on a Project (Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts)
- CD 2021/14 on a Projects Strategy
- CD 2021/15 on an ELI Annual Conference 2021
- CD 2021/16 on the Adoption of Principle 16 and Principle 17 of the 2021 Supplement to the ELI Principles for the COVID-19 Crisis
- CD 2021/17 on Projects (For a European Approach to R&D Tax Incentive(s))
- CD 2021/18 on the Approval of the ELI 2020 Accounts
- CD 2021/19 on Initiatives to Involve the Youth
- CD 2021/20 on the Appointment of Assessors
- CD 2021/21 on the Revision of the Internal Guidelines for the Executive Committee and Secretariat
- CD 2021/22 on the Approval of the ELI 2022 Budget Forecast
- CD 2021/23 on Projects ('Philippe Motion')
- CD 2021/24 on Projects (Response to Public Consultation on Data Act)
- CD 2021/25 on Projects (Principles for a Data Economy)
- CD 2021/26 on Projects (Access to Digital Assets)
- CD 2021/27 on Projects (Ecocide)
- CD 2021/28 on the Appointment of Auditors
- CD 2021/29 on Projects (Use of Digital Assets as Security)
- CD 2021/30 on Projects (Freedom of Expression as a Common Constitutional Tradition)
- CD 2021/31 on Projects (Business and Human Rights)
- CD 2021/32 on Projects (Approval of the 'Climate Justice - New Challenges for the Law and Judges' Feasibility Study to Proceed as an ELI Project)
- CD 2021/33 on Projects (Rejection of the 'Food and Farm Law' Feasibility Study)
- CD 2021/34 on the Appointment of Assessors