Austrian Hub

The Austrian Hub is chaired by Susanne Augenhofer, Walter Doralt and Christian Koller. Its launch took place in Vienna on 4 September 2013 and featured many prominent panelists debating the current status of European legal integration. The discussions were moderated by Irmgard Griss (former President of the Austrian Supreme Court and Deputy-Speaker of the ELI Senate).

The keynote address was delivered by Franz Fischler (President of the European Forum Alpbach and a former EU Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries). From the host venue, Haus der Europäischen Union, the guests then proceeded to the beautiful courtyard and ceremonial chamber of the University of Vienna, where an official opening of the ELI General Assembly took place under the auspices of Rector Heinz W Engl.

Upon joining ELI, one becomes a member of the Hub of their country of residence or seat, provided no objections are raised. You can find the list of Individual Members by country of residence here.




The ELI Austrian Hub organised a Conference on ‘Class and Aggregate Litigation in Europe and North America’, which took place from 8–9 July 2022 at...


Austrian Hub Held a Third Lecture in its Evening Series on the Changing Role of Contracts in the Contemporary Economic Environment

On 8 June 2022, the Hub’s third Evening Lecture of 2022 took place at the University of Innsbruck. The event was organised and moderated by Univ-Prof...


Austrian Hub Held a Lecture on Sunsetting as an Adaptive Strategy

On 2 June 2022, ELI Austrian Hub held a lecture entitled ‘Sunsetting as an Adaptive Strategy.’ Prof Roberta Romano (Yale Law School, Sterling...


On 31 May 2022, the second Evening Lecture of the 2022 Summer Semester took place at the University of Innsbruck. The event was organised and...


On 4 May 2022, Prof Eidenmüller presented the ‘Law by Algorithm’ book which he wrote with co-author Prof Dr Gerhard Wagner, LLM (University of...


Austrian Hub’s Lecture on the COVID-19 Pandemic

The ELI Austrian Hub held a lecture, entitled ‘Was Können Wir Aus der Pandemie Lernen’, that focused on lessons learnt from the COVID pandemic. The...