Croatian Hub Announces the 33rd Webinar in its Webinar Series


The webinar, which took place on 20 February 2024, explored how legal liability associated with defects can arise from violations of intellectual property rights.

The event, which brought together 30 participants from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Serbia, commenced with a warm welcome address from Dr Ivan Tot (ELI Croatian Hub Co-Chair; Assistant Professor at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business).

This was followed by an insightful lecture on ‘Liability for Legal Defects Related to Violation of Intellectual Property Rights’ delivered by Dr Romana Matanovac Vučković (Professor at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law, Department of Civil Law) and Dr Ivana Kanceljak (Associate Professor at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law, Department of Civil Law).

In their lecture, Matanovac Vučković and Kanceljak examined how the recent change in the rules governing liability for the lack of conformity, brought on by the transposition of Directive (EU) 2019/770 and Directive (EU) 2019/771, affected the regulation of legal defects in cases where they exist due to violating intellectual property rights.

Following the lecture, an engaging Q&A session ensued, allowing participants to actively contribute to the discussion.

Mark your calendars for the next ELI Croatian Hub webinar, scheduled to take place on 5 March 2024.