ELI Administrative Law SIG Hosts Webinar on Algorithmic Administration and Good Governance Principles


On 13 March 2024, the webinar delved into the relevance of the substantial and procedural principles of Administrative Law.

Entitled “The "Algorithmic" Administration and You – The updated Handbook of the Council of Europe”, the webinar will discuss the challenges of algorithmic administration for the principles of good administration. It will highlight the relevance of the substantial and procedural principles of administrative law as enshrined in various Council of Europe legal instruments for the evolving algorithmic administration.

Following a presentation by Prof. Nadja Braun Binder (Professor of Public Law at the University ofBasel, Switzerland) and Prof. Luzie Cluzel-Métayer (Professor of Public Law at the Université Paris Nanterre, France) the participants will have the opportunity to discuss various legal challenges of algorithmic administration.

Moderator: Prof. Jens-Peter Schneider, Professor of Public Law and European Administrative Law (University of Freiburg, Germany) and Co-Chair of the ELI Administrative Law SIG.

The entire programme and registration details can be accessed in the document attached below.