Insurance Law SIG

Insurance Law SIG

The ELI Insurance Law SIG was established under the leadership of Christoph Brömmelmeyer and Helmut Heiss at the end of 2018.

The tasks of the Insurance Law SIG include providing an active forum for discussion and cooperation, reviewing relevant legal developments, conducting and facilitating research, making recommendations and providing practical guidance in the field. To this end, the Insurance Law SIG will hold biennial conferences on current issues concerning European insurance law. Furthermore, interested SIG Members will author publications on existing European insurance law and submit responses to current legislative projects.

Should you wish to join the SIG, please send an e-mail to the ELI Secretariat. SIG Chairs can be contacted here.

For the list of SIG's Chairs and Members, please click here.




Insurance Law SIG Seminar on Risk Prevention and New Technologies

The seminar took place on 25 February from 12:00–14:00 (CET) via Zoom.


Insurance Ombudsman Schemes 2024

An Insurance Ombudsman is an alternative dispute resolution service outside of the court dedicated to resolving customers complaints against insurers or intermediaries. The Ombudsman scheme...


ELI Insurance Law SIG Held Its Tenth ATILA Lecture

On 21 November 2024, the 10th ATILA Lecture was held on ‘Insurance as an Investment – The Retail Investment Strategy of the European Union’.


ELI Insurance Law SIG Presents New Project on Prevention and Insurance

The SIG announced the launch of a new project on the above topic.


ELI Insurance Law SIG invites you to ATILA Lecture 9 on Insurance and Climate Change

The Lecture took place Online on 14 March 2024


2023 ELI Annual Conference: Insurance Law SIG Held a Panel on Current Issues in Insurance Law

On 8 September 2023, the Insurance Law SIG held an engaging panel discussion entitled ‘From Vienna via London to Vegas: A Whistle Stop Tour of Current Issues in Insurance Law' within the framework of...