
European Law Institute
Rue Ducale 1 Hertogstraat – KVAB
Bruxelles 1000 – BELGIUM


European Law Institute Secretariat
Schottenring 16, Top 175
1010 Vienna - AUSTRIA
+43 1 4277 221 01 

The European Law Institute (ELI) is an International Non-Profit Association (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif) (AISBL/IVZW/IVoG) founded under Belgian law (registration no. 0837.276.779) by Royal Decree of 1 June 2011. ELI is officially represented by its Executive Committee, currently consisting of the President (Christiane Wendehorst), First Vice-President (Lord John Thomas), Second Vice-President (Pascal Pichonnaz), Treasurer (Denis Philippe), and three innominate members (Anne Birgitte Gammeljord, Pietro Sirena and Fryderyk Zoll). ELI aims to improve the quality of European law by conducting research, making recommendations, and providing practical guidance.



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