Current Individual Members of the ELI - A

Surname First Name Country of Residence Membership Type
Aarli Ragna Norway Fellow
Abatangelo Chiara Italy Fellow
Abbiati Paul Portugal Fellow
Achache Florence France Fellow
Achille Davide Italy Fellow
Addamo Sara Italy Fellow
Addante Adriana Italy Fellow
Adler Peter H. Austria Fellow
Adler Vlatka Austria Fellow
Afferni Giorgio Italy Fellow
Aghenitei Mihaela Romania Fellow
Aguilera Marien Spain Fellow
Agurto Gonzáles Carlos Antonio Peru Fellow
Ahrens Hans-Jürgen Germany Fellow
Aichberger Beig Daphne Austria Fellow
Akçura Karaman Tuba Turkey Fellow
Akipek Ocal Sebnem Turkey Fellow
Akkermans Bram Netherlands Fellow
Aksoy Pınar Turkey Fellow
Aksoy Hüseyin Can Turkey Fellow
Aksoy Retornaz Emine Eylem Turkey Fellow
Alba Fernandez Manuel Spain Fellow
Albanese Antonio Italy Fellow
Albert Maria Rosario (Charo) Spain Fellow
Alberti Lucia Giuseppina Italy Fellow
Alberti Stefano Italy Fellow
Aleotti Umberto Italy Fellow
Alexander Kern Switzerland Fellow
Alexandris Polomarkakis Konstantinos United Kingdom Fellow
Allemeersch Benoît Belgium Fellow
Almeida Araújo Marisa Portugal Fellow
Alofs Elisabeth Belgium Fellow
Alogna Ivano United Kingdom Fellow
Aloj Nicoletta Italy Fellow
Alonso Landeta Gabriel Spain Fellow
Alonso Pérez María Teresa Spain Fellow
Alonso Sanz Lucía Spain Fellow
Alpa Guido Italy Fellow
Alpini Arianna Italy Fellow
Alvarez Olalla Pilar Spain Fellow
Amato Cristina Italy Fellow
Amin-Mannion Rosy United Kingdom Fellow
Amram Denise Italy Fellow
Amtenbrink Fabian Netherlands Fellow
Anagnostopoulos Ilias Greece Fellow
Anagnostopoulou Despoina Greece Fellow
Andersen Henrik Denmark Fellow
Anderson Ross United Kingdom Fellow
Andova Katarina Luxembourg Individual Observer
Androulaki Marina Greece Fellow
Angiolini Chiara Silvia Armida Italy Fellow
Anjos Maria do Rosário Portugal Fellow
Antokolskaia Masha Netherlands Fellow
Antoniolli Luisa Italy Fellow
Arabadjiev Alexander Luxembourg Fellow
Arastey Maria Lourdes Luxembourg Fellow
Arato Balazs Hungary Fellow
Ardizzone Luigi Italy Fellow
Arena Amedeo Italy Fellow
Argelich-Comelles Cristina Spain Fellow
Arlović Vladimir Croatia Fellow
Arnold Rainer Germany Fellow
Arnold-Dwyer Franziska United Kingdom Fellow
Arroyo Tatiana Spain Fellow
Arroyo Amayuelas Esther Spain Fellow
Artigot Golobardes Mireia Spain Fellow
Asland John Norway Fellow
Atamer Yesim M. Switzerland Fellow
Athanassiou Phoebus Germany Fellow
Aubert de Vincelles Carole France Fellow
Auer Marietta Germany Fellow
Augenhofer Susanne Austria Fellow
Avgerinos Yannis Greece Fellow
Aviñó Belenguer David Spain Fellow
Avi-Yonah Reuven United States of America Fellow
Avolio Francesco Italy Fellow
Aytekin Metin Ugur Turkey Fellow
Azizi Josef Austria Fellow
Azzarri Federico Italy Fellow
Azzutti Alessio Italy Fellow