Current Individual Members of the ELI - B

Surname First Name Country of Residence Membership Type
Babajee Arvind Mauritius Fellow
Bacciardi Edoardo Italy Fellow
Bachmaier Winter Lorena Spain Fellow
Bachmann Gregor Germany Fellow
Bagińska Ewa Poland Fellow
Bairati Lorenzo Italy Fellow
Bakardjieva Engelbrekt Antonina Sweden Fellow
Balan Emil Romania Fellow
Balbusso Stefano Italy Fellow
Balestra Mariangela Italy Individual Observer
Balp Gaia Italy Fellow
Balshøj Dorthe Denmark Fellow
Balthasar Agnes Austria Fellow
Balthasar Alexander Austria Fellow
Balwicka-Szczyrba Małgorzata Poland Fellow
Bana Anurag United Kingdom Fellow
Banakh Serhiy Ukraine Fellow
Bańczyk Wojciech Poland Fellow
Baran Anzhelika Ukraine Individual Observer
Barbist Johannes Austria Fellow
Barcik Jacek Poland Fellow
Bardelle Roberta Italy Fellow
Barenghi Andrea Italy Fellow
Bargelli Elena Italy Fellow
Bariatti Stefania Italy Fellow
Barkane Irena Latvia Fellow
Barlow Anne United Kingdom Fellow
Barneoud Remi France Fellow
Barresi Rosa Giovanna Italy Fellow
Bartolacelli Alessio Italy Fellow
Bartolini Francesca Italy Fellow
Basoglu Basak Turkey Fellow
Bassini Marco Netherlands Fellow
Bataller-Grau Juan Spain Fellow
Bataveljić Dragan Serbia Fellow
Baum Harald Germany Fellow
Bayão Horta Ricardo Portugal Individual Observer
Bayern Shawn United States of America Fellow
Bayo Delgado Joaquin Spain Fellow
Bazhenov Mykhailo Ukraine Individual Observer
Beal Kieron United Kingdom Fellow
Beale Hugh United Kingdom Fellow
Bechaalany Sarah Switzerland Fellow
Becker Maximilian Germany Fellow
Bellitti Guido Italy Fellow
Bellizzi Clinton Malta Fellow
Bellizzi Christine Malta Fellow
Belu Magdo Monnalisa Romania Fellow
Bercea Raluca Romania Fellow
Bergel Yolanda Spain Fellow
Bergkamp Lucas Belgium Fellow
Bergquist Ulf Sweden Fellow
Bermejo Castrillo Manuel Spain Fellow
Bernard François Luxembourg Fellow
Bertolini Andrea Italy Fellow
Beska Solomiia Ukraine Fellow
Bessa Vilela Noémia Slovenia Fellow
Besson Samantha Switzerland Fellow
Bezanilla Sanchez Javier Spain Individual Observer
Bianchi Daniele Belgium Fellow
Bianchi Laura Italy Fellow
Bielska-Sobkowicz Teresa Poland Fellow
Bień-Kacała Agnieszka Poland Fellow
Biernacki Wojciech Poland Fellow
Bilotti Emanuele Italy Fellow
Bilousov Yurii Ukraine Fellow
Binctin Nicolas France Fellow
Biondi Yuri France Fellow
Biondi Andrea United Kingdom Fellow
Birindelli Giuliana Italy Fellow
Bisazza Anne Marie Malta Fellow
Bisping Christopher Germany Fellow
Bitāns Agris Latvia Individual Observer
Blanc Didier France Fellow
Blandino Maria Amalia Spain Fellow
Blaurock Uwe Germany Fellow
Bob-Bocsan Mircea Dan Romania Fellow
Bogdan Ruge Rares Romania Fellow
Bogdanowicz Piotr Poland Fellow
Böger Ole Germany Fellow
Boggio Luca Italy Fellow
Bojin Lucian Romania Fellow
Bolwig Zena England Fellow
Bones Julia Norway Fellow
Booc Adam Hungary Fellow
Boon J. Netherlands Fellow
Boosfeld Kristin Germany Fellow
Borghetti Jean-Sébastien France Fellow
Bork Reinhard Germany Fellow
Bortoluzzi Chiara United Kingdom Fellow
Bosch Esteve Spain Fellow
Bosnjak Marko France Fellow
Boszko Malgorzata Poland Fellow
Boyd William United States of America Fellow
Bratasyuk Oksana Ukraine Individual Observer
Brattström Margareta Sweden Fellow
Braun Alexandra United Kingdom Fellow
Braut Filipović Mihaela Croatia Fellow
Bray Robert Belgium Fellow
Breemhaar Willem Netherlands Fellow
Brémand Nicolas France Fellow
Brkan Maja Luxembourg Fellow
Brodaczewski Konrad Ireland Fellow
Brömmelmeyer Christoph Germany Fellow
Brooks Thom United Kingdom Fellow
Brosch Marlene Luxembourg Fellow
Brückner Michael Germany Fellow
Bubalo Lana Norway Fellow
Bubliene Danguole Lithuania Fellow
Buchta Anna Belgium Fellow
Buchwitz Wolfram Germany Fellow
Bugra Sar Aysegul Turkey Fellow
Bujalski Maciej Poland Fellow
Bujňáková Bettina Mia Germany Fellow
Bulgarelli Aldo Italy Fellow
Bulica Blerina Albania Fellow
Buneci Petre Romania Fellow
Buniatova Farida Russia Individual Observer
Buonanno Luigi Italy Fellow
Busani Daniele Italy Fellow
Buscema Salvatore Italy Fellow
Busch Christoph Germany Fellow
Busch Danny Netherlands Fellow
Buset Giacomo Italy Fellow
Bustos Moreno Yolanda Spain Fellow
Butacu Cristina Romania Fellow
Butler Petra New Zealand Fellow
Butryn-Boka Nataliia Ukraine Fellow
Bygrave Lee Andrew Norway Fellow