Current Individual Members of the ELI - C
Surname | First Name | Country of Residence | Membership Type |
Cadiet | Loïc | France | Fellow |
Cafaggi | Fabrizio | Italy | Fellow |
Calahorrano Latorre | Edison Ramiro | Chile | Fellow |
Calboli | Irene | United States of America | Fellow |
Calderai | Valentina | Italy | Fellow |
Calkins | Stephen | Ireland | Fellow |
Callegari | Mia | Italy | Fellow |
Calvo Caravaca | Alfonso Luis | Spain | Fellow |
Calvo Sanchez | Raul | Spain | Fellow |
Cámara Lapuente | Sergio | Spain | Fellow |
Campos Martínez | Yohan Andrés | Spain | Fellow |
Canapa | Damiano | Switzerland | Fellow |
Canbeldek Akın | Özlem | Turkey | Fellow |
Canero | Pierpaolo | Italy | Fellow |
Cannarsa | Michel | France | Fellow |
Cantero Gamito | Marta | Estonia | Fellow |
Cantisani | Luigi | Italy | Fellow |
Capik | Agata Barbara | Luxembourg | Fellow |
Caponi | Remo | Italy | Fellow |
Caporusso | Simona | Italy | Fellow |
Cappelli | Viola | Italy | Fellow |
Cappellini | Irene | Italy | Individual Observer |
Caranta | Roberto | Italy | Fellow |
Carausan | Mihaela Victorita | Romania | Fellow |
Carballo | Alejandro | Belgium | Fellow |
Cárdenas | Hugo | Chile | Fellow |
Carpi | Rebeca | Spain | Fellow |
Carr | Sue | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Carrasco Perera | Angel | Spain | Individual Observer |
Carrión García de Parada | Pedro | Spain | Fellow |
Carson | Jillian | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Cartabia | Marta | Italy | Fellow |
Cartwright | John | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Carvalho | Raquel | Portugal | Fellow |
Casalini | Lucio | Italy | Fellow |
Casano | Lilli Viviana | Italy | Fellow |
Casarosa | Federica | Italy | Fellow |
Cassotta | Sandra | Denmark | Individual Observer |
Castillo Parrilla | José Antonio | Spain | Fellow |
Cauffman | Caroline | Netherlands | Fellow |
Causarano | Concetta | Italy | Fellow |
Cavalier | Georges | France | Fellow |
Cavallo Perin | Roberto | Italy | Fellow |
Cazac | Octavian | Moldova | Fellow |
Čebulj | Janez | Slovenia | Fellow |
Cediel Serra | Ana María | Spain | Fellow |
Ceesay né Scholz | Philipp | Germany | Fellow |
Cenerelli | Alessandro | Italy | Individual Observer |
Cerini | Diana | Italy | Fellow |
Cescatti | Elisabetta | Italy | Fellow |
Chabloz | Isabelle | Switzerland | Fellow |
Chan | Peter C.H. | Hong Kong, China | Fellow |
Charalambous | Christina | Luxembourg | Fellow |
Charlton | Shaun | Luxembourg | Fellow |
Chatzikostas | Konstantinos | Greece | Fellow |
Chatzinikolaou | Nikolaos | Greece | Fellow |
Cherciu | Nicoleta | Romania | Fellow |
Cherednychenko | Olha | Netherlands | Fellow |
Chernohorenko | Illia | England | Fellow |
Chirita | Alexandru Aurelian | Romania | Fellow |
Chiuariu | Tudor | Romania | Individual Observer |
Chmielewski | Tomasz | Poland | Fellow |
Chopin | Christian Frederick John | France | Individual Observer |
Christandl | Gregor | Austria | Fellow |
Christoph A. Kern | Christoph | Germany | Fellow |
Chudyk | Nataliia | Ukraine | Fellow |
Ciancimino | Michele | Italy | Fellow |
Ciancio | Adriana | Italy | Fellow |
Cihan | Ali Hulki | Turkey | Fellow |
Cioni | Andrea | Italy | Fellow |
Circolo | Andrea | Italy | Fellow |
Cirillo | Stefania | Italy | Fellow |
Claeys | Ignace | Belgium | Fellow |
Clarry | Daniel | Australia | Fellow |
Clément | Marc | France | Fellow |
Clifton | Michael-James Edward | Luxembourg | Fellow |
Cliza | Marta-Claudia | Romania | Fellow |
Cockerill | Sara | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Coggiola | Nadia | Italy | Fellow |
Cohen | Neil | United States of America | Fellow |
Colquhoun | Celina Daphne Marian | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Colton | Robert | United States of America | Fellow |
Comande' | Giovanni | Italy | Fellow |
Comba | Mario | Italy | Fellow |
Conac | Pierre-Henri | Luxembourg | Fellow |
Confortini | Valeria | Italy | Fellow |
Coppo | Letizia | Italy | Fellow |
Corazza | Luisa | Italy | Fellow |
Corbino | Alessandro | Italy | Individual Observer |
Cordero-Moss | Giuditta | Norway | Fellow |
Corno | Giorgio | Italy | Fellow |
Costa Ramos | Vânia | Portugal | Fellow |
Cotiga | Andra | France | Fellow |
Craig | Paul | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Cranston | Ross | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Cristaldi | Salvatore Antonio | Italy | Fellow |
Cristea | Bianca Victoria | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Cristea | Simona | Romania | Fellow |
Cruz Ángeles | Jonatán | Spain | Fellow |
Cruz Villalon | Pedro | Spain | Fellow |
Cuartero | Victoria | Spain | Fellow |
Cuena Casas | Matilde | Spain | Fellow |
Čulinović-Herc | Edita | Croatia | Fellow |
Culot | Henri | Belgium | Fellow |
Cunha | Carolina | Portugal | Fellow |
Cuocci | Valentina Vincenza | Italy | Fellow |
Custos | Dominique | France | Fellow |
Czech | Ewa Katarzyna | Poland | Fellow |