Current Individual Members of the ELI - F

Surname First Name Country of Residence Membership Type
Fabbi Alessandro Italy Fellow
Faber Wolfgang Austria Fellow
Faccioli Mirko Italy Fellow
Fairgrieve Duncan United Kingdom Fellow
Fasciglione Marco Italy Fellow
Faure Michael Netherlands Fellow
Fauvarque-Cosson Bénédicte France Fellow
Favilli Chiara Italy Fellow
Feigerlová Monika Czech Republic Fellow
Fejos Andrea United Kingdom Fellow
Feldman Tanel Belgium Individual Observer
Felicio Sky (Ceu) Australia Individual Observer
Feliu Rey Jorge Spain Fellow
Fenoy Picón Nieves Spain Fellow
Ferčič Aleš Slovenia Fellow
Fernandes Godinho Inês Portugal Fellow
Fernandez Lozano Jose Luis Spain Individual Observer
Fernández Romero Francisco José Spain Fellow
Fernandez-Riveira Rosa-Maria Spain Fellow
Fernandez-Tresguerres Garcia Ana Spain Fellow
Ferrante Alfredo Italy Fellow
Ferrari Francesca Italy Fellow
Ferrari Matteo Italy Fellow
Ferrari Giuseppe Franco Italy Fellow
Ferrari Zumbini Angela Italy Fellow
Ferraro Fabio Italy Fellow
Ferrer-Beltrán Jordi Spain Fellow
Ferretti Roberto Italy Fellow
Ferri Delia Ireland Fellow
Fidalgo Gallardo Carlos Spain Individual Observer
Fiebiger Ines Austria Individual Observer
Filatova Maria Russia Fellow
Fillers Aleksandrs Latvia Fellow
Finocchiaro Giuseppe Italy Fellow
Fiolka Gerhard Switzerland Fellow
Fiorentini Francesca Italy Fellow
Fiorentino Maria Mariella Italy Fellow
Fisher James Clayton Australia Fellow
Flamini Martina Italy Fellow
Fletcher Maria United Kingdom Fellow
Flissak Kostyantyn Ukraine Fellow
Flores González Begoña Spain Fellow
Florescu Catrinel Elena Romania Individual Observer
Fodor Elena Mihaela Romania Fellow
Fodor Gabriela Aura Romania Fellow
Foglia Massimo Italy Individual Observer
Fontes da Costa Mariana Portugal Fellow
Forlani Mariasole Italy Fellow
Fornage Anne-Christine Switzerland Fellow
Forschner Julius Germany Fellow
Forti Valerio France Fellow
Fountoulakis Christiana Switzerland Fellow
Franciosi Laura Maria Italy Fellow
Francois Bénédicte France Fellow
Franken Stijn Netherlands Fellow
Franzina Pietro Italy Fellow
Fridriksdottir Hrefna Iceland Fellow
Frimston Richard United Kingdom Fellow
Frison-Roche Marie-Anne France Fellow
Fronczak Emilia Luxembourg Fellow
Fuchs Dariusz Poland Fellow
Fusaro Andrea Italy Fellow
Fuxa Nastasja Belgium Fellow