Current Individual Members of the ELI - F
Surname | First Name | Country of Residence | Membership Type |
Fabbi | Alessandro | Italy | Fellow |
Faber | Wolfgang | Austria | Fellow |
Faccioli | Mirko | Italy | Fellow |
Fairgrieve | Duncan | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Fasciglione | Marco | Italy | Fellow |
Faure | Michael | Netherlands | Fellow |
Fauvarque-Cosson | Bénédicte | France | Fellow |
Favilli | Chiara | Italy | Fellow |
Feigerlová | Monika | Czech Republic | Fellow |
Fejos | Andrea | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Feldman | Tanel | Belgium | Individual Observer |
Felicio | Sky (Ceu) | Australia | Individual Observer |
Feliu Rey | Jorge | Spain | Fellow |
Fenoy Picón | Nieves | Spain | Fellow |
Ferčič | Aleš | Slovenia | Fellow |
Fernandes Godinho | Inês | Portugal | Fellow |
Fernandez Lozano | Jose Luis | Spain | Individual Observer |
Fernández Romero | Francisco José | Spain | Fellow |
Fernandez-Riveira | Rosa-Maria | Spain | Fellow |
Fernandez-Tresguerres Garcia | Ana | Spain | Fellow |
Ferrante | Alfredo | Italy | Fellow |
Ferrari | Francesca | Italy | Fellow |
Ferrari | Matteo | Italy | Fellow |
Ferrari | Giuseppe Franco | Italy | Fellow |
Ferrari Zumbini | Angela | Italy | Fellow |
Ferraro | Fabio | Italy | Fellow |
Ferrer-Beltrán | Jordi | Spain | Fellow |
Ferretti | Roberto | Italy | Fellow |
Ferri | Delia | Ireland | Fellow |
Fidalgo Gallardo | Carlos | Spain | Individual Observer |
Fiebiger | Ines | Austria | Individual Observer |
Filatova | Maria | Russia | Fellow |
Fillers | Aleksandrs | Latvia | Fellow |
Finocchiaro | Giuseppe | Italy | Fellow |
Fiolka | Gerhard | Switzerland | Fellow |
Fiorentini | Francesca | Italy | Fellow |
Fiorentino | Maria Mariella | Italy | Fellow |
Fisher | James Clayton | Australia | Fellow |
Flamini | Martina | Italy | Fellow |
Fletcher | Maria | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Flissak | Kostyantyn | Ukraine | Fellow |
Flores González | Begoña | Spain | Fellow |
Florescu | Catrinel Elena | Romania | Individual Observer |
Fodor | Elena Mihaela | Romania | Fellow |
Fodor | Gabriela Aura | Romania | Fellow |
Foglia | Massimo | Italy | Individual Observer |
Fontes da Costa | Mariana | Portugal | Fellow |
Forlani | Mariasole | Italy | Fellow |
Fornage | Anne-Christine | Switzerland | Fellow |
Forschner | Julius | Germany | Fellow |
Forti | Valerio | France | Fellow |
Fountoulakis | Christiana | Switzerland | Fellow |
Franciosi | Laura Maria | Italy | Fellow |
Francois | Bénédicte | France | Fellow |
Franken | Stijn | Netherlands | Fellow |
Franzina | Pietro | Italy | Fellow |
Fridriksdottir | Hrefna | Iceland | Fellow |
Frimston | Richard | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Frison-Roche | Marie-Anne | France | Fellow |
Fronczak | Emilia | Luxembourg | Fellow |
Fuchs | Dariusz | Poland | Fellow |
Fusaro | Andrea | Italy | Fellow |
Fuxa | Nastasja | Belgium | Fellow |