Current Individual Members of the ELI - L
Surname | First Name | Country of Residence | Membership Type |
Lachinger | Peter | Austria | Fellow |
Laimer | Simon | Austria | Fellow |
Lambers | Ilse Marije | Netherlands | Fellow |
Láncos | Petra Lea | Hungary | Fellow |
Lang | Michael | Austria | Fellow |
Lanni | Sabrina | Italy | Fellow |
Lansing | Harriet | United States of America | Fellow |
Laskorzynski | Patryk | Poland | Fellow |
Lassen | Tim | Germany | Fellow |
Lasserre | Bruno | France | Fellow |
Lastra | Rosa | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Laudonio | Aldo | Italy | Fellow |
Laulhe Shaelou | Stephanie | Cyprus | Fellow |
Laura-Cristiana | Spataru-Negura | Romania | Individual Observer |
Lauroba Lacasa | Elena | Spain | Fellow |
Lazur | Yaroslav | Ukraine | Fellow |
Le Grand de Belleroche | Diane | France | Fellow |
Lecher | Ruth | Germany | Individual Observer |
Lee | Philip | Ireland | Individual Observer |
Legeren | Antonio | Spain | Fellow |
Lehmann | Daniel | Germany | Fellow |
Lehmann | Michael | Germany | Fellow |
Lehmann | Matthias | Austria | Fellow |
Leible | Stefan | Germany | Fellow |
Lein | Eva | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Lempen | Karine | Switzerland | Fellow |
Lenaerts | Koen | Luxembourg | Individual Observer |
Lénárd | Darázs | Hungary | Fellow |
Lener | Sofia Maria | Italy | Fellow |
Lentner | Gabriel M | Austria | Fellow |
Leon | Leysser | Peru | Fellow |
Leone | Luca | Italy | Fellow |
Lepetić | Jelena | Serbia | Fellow |
Lerner | Pablo | Israel | Fellow |
Leśniak | Marek | Poland | Fellow |
Lete | Javier | Spain | Fellow |
Leupold | Petra | Austria | Fellow |
Levits | Egils | Latvia | Fellow |
Leys | David | Belgium | Fellow |
Licata | Giovanni Fabio | Italy | Fellow |
Liebman | Lance | United States of America | Fellow |
Lieder | Jan | Germany | Fellow |
Liedermann | Laurenz | Austria | Fellow |
Lierman | Steven | Belgium | Fellow |
Ligeti | Katalin | Luxembourg | Fellow |
Lima | Dafni | Greece | Fellow |
Lima Rego | Margarida | Portugal | Fellow |
Limmer | Peter | Germany | Fellow |
Linarelli | John | United States of America | Fellow |
Lladó Martínez | Albert | Spain | Fellow |
Llodrà Grimalt | Francesca | Spain | Fellow |
Loacker | Leander D. | Switzerland | Fellow |
Lohsse | Sebastian | Germany | Fellow |
Lomfeld | Bertram | Germany | Fellow |
Lonati | Simone | Italy | Fellow |
Long | Joëlle | Italy | Fellow |
Longobucco | Francesco | Italy | Fellow |
Loos | Marco B.M. | Netherlands | Fellow |
Lopes | Dulce | Portugal | Fellow |
López Rodríguez | Ana Mercedes | Spain | Fellow |
Lopez Sanchez | Javier | Spain | Fellow |
López Suárez | Marcos A. | Spain | Fellow |
Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd | John | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Loser | Peter | Switzerland | Fellow |
Luckow | Andreas | Germany | Fellow |
Luik | Olavi-Jüri | Estonia | Fellow |
Lukianova | Irina | Russia | Fellow |
Lundmark | Thomas | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Lurger | Brigitta | Austria | Fellow |
Luszpak-Zajac | Agnieszka | Poland | Fellow |
Lutman | Karmen | Slovenia | Fellow |
Lüttringhaus | Jan | Germany | Fellow |
Luzak | Joasia | United Kingdom | Fellow |
Lynch Shally | Karen | Ireland | Fellow |
Lyons | Timothy | United Kingdom | Fellow |