Current Individual Members of the ELI - L

Surname First Name Country of Residence Membership Type
Lachinger Peter Austria Fellow
Laimer Simon Austria Fellow
Lambers Ilse Marije Netherlands Fellow
Láncos Petra Lea Hungary Fellow
Lang Michael Austria Fellow
Lanni Sabrina Italy Fellow
Lansing Harriet United States of America Fellow
Laskorzynski Patryk Poland Fellow
Lassen Tim Germany Fellow
Lasserre Bruno France Fellow
Lastra Rosa United Kingdom Fellow
Laudonio Aldo Italy Fellow
Laulhe Shaelou Stephanie Cyprus Fellow
Laura-Cristiana Spataru-Negura Romania Individual Observer
Lauroba Lacasa Elena Spain Fellow
Lazur Yaroslav Ukraine Fellow
Le Grand de Belleroche Diane France Fellow
Lecher Ruth Germany Individual Observer
Lee Philip Ireland Individual Observer
Legeren Antonio Spain Fellow
Lehmann Daniel Germany Fellow
Lehmann Michael Germany Fellow
Lehmann Matthias Austria Fellow
Leible Stefan Germany Fellow
Lein Eva United Kingdom Fellow
Lempen Karine Switzerland Fellow
Lenaerts Koen Luxembourg Individual Observer
Lénárd Darázs Hungary Fellow
Lener Sofia Maria Italy Fellow
Lentner Gabriel M Austria Fellow
Leon Leysser Peru Fellow
Leone Luca Italy Fellow
Lepetić Jelena Serbia Fellow
Lerner Pablo Israel Fellow
Leśniak Marek Poland Fellow
Lete Javier Spain Fellow
Leupold Petra Austria Fellow
Levits Egils Latvia Fellow
Leys David Belgium Fellow
Licata Giovanni Fabio Italy Fellow
Liebman Lance United States of America Fellow
Lieder Jan Germany Fellow
Liedermann Laurenz Austria Fellow
Lierman Steven Belgium Fellow
Ligeti Katalin Luxembourg Fellow
Lima Dafni Greece Fellow
Lima Rego Margarida Portugal Fellow
Limmer Peter Germany Fellow
Linarelli John United States of America Fellow
Lladó Martínez Albert Spain Fellow
Llodrà Grimalt Francesca Spain Fellow
Loacker Leander D. Switzerland Fellow
Lohsse Sebastian Germany Fellow
Lomfeld Bertram Germany Fellow
Lonati Simone Italy Fellow
Long Joëlle Italy Fellow
Longobucco Francesco Italy Fellow
Loos Marco B.M. Netherlands Fellow
Lopes Dulce Portugal Fellow
López Rodríguez Ana Mercedes Spain Fellow
Lopez Sanchez Javier Spain Fellow
López Suárez Marcos A. Spain Fellow
Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd John United Kingdom Fellow
Loser Peter Switzerland Fellow
Luckow Andreas Germany Fellow
Luik Olavi-Jüri Estonia Fellow
Lukianova Irina Russia Fellow
Lundmark Thomas United Kingdom Fellow
Lurger Brigitta Austria Fellow
Luszpak-Zajac Agnieszka Poland Fellow
Lutman Karmen Slovenia Fellow
Lüttringhaus Jan Germany Fellow
Luzak Joasia United Kingdom Fellow
Lynch Shally Karen Ireland Fellow
Lyons Timothy United Kingdom Fellow