Current Individual Members of the ELI - W

Surname First Name Country of Residence Membership Type
Wagner Gerhard Germany Fellow
Waibel Michael Austria Fellow
Walachowska Monika Poland Fellow
Walch Mathias Austria Fellow
Wallis Diana United Kingdom Fellow
Walsh Suzanne United States of America Fellow
Wamser Ingo Klaus Germany Fellow
Ward Adrian United Kingdom Fellow
Warren Manning United States of America Fellow
Warth Wilhelm Germany Fellow
Warwas Barbara Netherlands Fellow
Wąsiewski Grzegorz Poland Fellow
Watson Jonathon Germany Fellow
Weber Franziska Netherlands Fellow
Weber Anne-Marie Poland Fellow
Weber Rolf H. Switzerland Fellow
Wedemann Frauke Germany Fellow
Wedy Gabriel Brazil Fellow
Węgrzak Małgorzata Poland Fellow
Weise Steven United States of America Fellow
Weitemeyer Birgit Germany Individual Observer
Weller Matthias Germany Fellow
Wendehorst LLM (Cantab) Christiane Austria Fellow
Wendland Matthias Germany Fellow
Werro Franz Switzerland Fellow
Whittaker Simon United Kingdom Fellow
Wicke Hartmut Germany Fellow
Wiedemann Denise Germany Fellow
Wierzbowski Marek Poland Fellow
Wiewiórowska-Domagalska Aneta Poland Fellow
Wijdekop Femke Netherlands Fellow
Wilcox Vanessa Austria Fellow
Wildhaber Isabelle Switzerland Fellow
Wilhelmsson Thomas Finland Fellow
William Oliver D. Switzerland Fellow
Williams Veronica Belgium Individual Observer
Winiger Bénédict Switzerland Fellow
Winkler Sandra Croatia Fellow
Winner Martin Austria Fellow
Winship Peter United States of America Fellow
Wissink Mark Netherlands Fellow
Wittner Nicholas United States of America Fellow
Wojciechowska Karolina Barbara Poland Fellow
Wojtyczek Krzysztof Poland Fellow
Wolf Eike Austria Individual Observer
Wolffe QC W James United Kingdom Fellow
Wollmann Hanno Austria Fellow
Wood Philip United Kingdom Fellow
Wortham Leah United States of America Fellow
Wray Christopher Portugal Fellow
Wudarski Arkadiusz Germany Fellow
Wukoschitz Michael Austria Fellow
Wycichowski-Kuchta Gniewomir Poland Fellow
Wymeersch Eddy Belgium Fellow
Wysocka-Bar Anna Poland Fellow