The webinar was opened by Prof Dr Emilia Mišćenić (ELI Croatian Hub Co-Chair; Associate Professor at the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law).
The theme of the webinar was the enforcement and modernisation of EU consumer protection law – a topical subject for two reasons: (a) Member States have to transpose the Enforcement and Modernisation Directive 2019/2161, more commonly known as the 'Omnibus Directive' by 28 May 2022; and (b) on 28 May 2022, the recently enacted Croatian Consumer Protection Act, implementing the Omnibus Directive, will enter into force.
Following the introduction, Dr Mateja Durovic (Reader in Contract and Commercial Law at the King’s College London, The Dickson Poon School of Law) gave a speech on ‘The Omnibus Directive: Adaption of EU Consumer Law to the Digital Age?’. In his speech, Dr Durovic presented the main novelties of the Omnibus Directive and addressed the state of consumer protection in the EU and the UK post-Brexit. The particular focus of his speech was on the publication of fake or misleading consumer reviews as unfair commercial practice, the challenges to consumer protection in the provision of digital services, and the enforcement of consumer law.
The lecture was followed by a lively Q&A session.
The next ELI Croatian Hub webinar will be held on 14 June 2022.