The Costs Working Group was established in November 2015 by a decision of the Steering Committee of the joint ELI-UNIDROIT project on From Transnational Principles to European Rules of Civil Procedure.
The focus of the meeting in Vienna was on the structure of the draft on costs. Members of the Working Group, Wendy Kennett, Paul Oberhammer and Eva Storskrubb, discussed among other things the following issues: a traditional 'European rule' on costs and its principles, rules on court decisions regarding costs, the scope and amount of costs, a possible recourse and the security of costs.
On 6 September 2018, a panel dedicated to this project will speak during the ELI Annual Conference in Riga (Latvia). Later this autumn, on 26–27 November, a public Conference will be held in Trier (Germany) in cooperation with the Academy of European Law (ERA). Please check the ELI website for further details to be provided on both upcoming events soon.