The meeting follows an earlier one with President Koen Lenaerts of the Court of Justice in January this year.
Given the CJEU’s significance and its status as an ELI Institutional Observer, the present meeting constituted a forum through which Presidents Wendehorst and Jaeger could elaborate on how to intensify the involvement of the General Court in the activities of the ELI.
Furthermore, Presidents Wendehorst and Jaeger discussed how to ensure the better involvement of the Asian continent in the work of the ELI, in particular whether to rely on contacts with existing Asian counterparts of the ELI and American Law Institute (ALI) or to rather seek contact with State actors.
Finally, Presidents Wendehorst and Jaeger elaborated on the role the ELI could play in enhancing communication between EU policymakers and legislators on the one hand and European citizens on the other, such as by formulating basic principles of European law that would be more understandable to European citizens.